Hello everyone! I just got back from another rousing night of Quizzing. We didn't do half bad this time, 5th place out of 10 or so teams, especially considering there were just four of us and we are all under 25. Do you know what three horse races make up the Triple Crown? I know Alex does. It was also a beautiful day today, the best weather we've had since winter. 65 and sunny, but it made me a little afraid for what's in store this summer since its supposed to get into the 80's this week and its still only March. I'll just start living at the pool.
Not much else has been going on here in Chengdu. This is a picture I took of Laura in front of one of the many weird European style buildings they have here.

They are so over the top and just look so out of place. There is even a "European Street" that is done all in this style. Its like European Disney Land in China.
Saturday night we also went to a fancy tea house that is located on top of a hot pot restaurant. The building is beautiful and it has all these statues and relics from old Chengdu, which is pretty cool. But the best part is they brew their own beer, which is delicious. They have a dark beer that is Guinness-y and a lighter beer that is a very tasty approximation of a Hefeweizen. Definitely best Chinese beer I've had so far.
Sunny's boyfriend also just bought her a new puppy, which Deborah was puppy-sitting and brought to the restaurant in a little bag. The puppy's name is Shuai Ge, which means handsome boy. He is so small and so cute. Very well behaved also, Sunny brings him to class with her and he just sleeps in her desk. She'll give him back to Kayo (her Chinese boyfriend) when she goes back to the States.

On Sunday I played a bit of rugby, did homework, and played Scrabble. I even won at Scrabble, my best word was riddled.
Monday Laura, Deborah, and I went to a Korean restaurant near school for lunch.

We had rice with all sorts of sauteed things and a flavored paste and a sunny-side up egg on top. After lunch they gave us little co

upons for a cup of coffee across the street as a promotion for a little Korean convenience store they just opened. The coffee was OK, just like bad gas station coffee in the States. The most exciting thing was all the other Korean things. My favorite was this "CRUNKY" bar, which I had to buy and try. It tasted just like Nestle CRUNCH, but was named "CRUNKY" which made it infinitely more hilarious.

That afternoon when I went to the pool I also received some interesting gifts from Huangjie that I thought I'd share with you. She said her friend gave her all this stuff and she didn't want it. One was a Nescafe coffee set, complete with instant coffee, instant creamer, cup, saucer, and gold-plated spoon.

The other thing was a set of belts with 4 belt buckles from China Southwest Airlines. I really didn't know what to make of either of them, but I guess they will be useful.
good to see you're keeping things crunky in china. word.
in order: the kentucky derby, the preakness, and the belmont! duh!
plans for my trip are in the works! i hope to get very crunky with you in china.
This is great info to know.
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