So I'm not dead yet. There have been some guesses going around about what exactly is in this concoction that I am now subjecting myself to, which I intend to clear up in the future. Right now I don't really know either, but I trust Andrea and Dr. Fang so I'm sure it's not going to hurt me. I am going to ask Andrea when I see her on Saturday what my prescription is called exactly or what is in it. Then I'm going to do some research about biochemically what these herbs are doing to me and I'll let you all know as soon as I do.

In other exciting news, I learned that the swimming pool I go to has a sort of masters winter swim team and they invited me to join. There is no practice or anything, just open swim like I have been going to already, but they do have meets (of sorts) against other colleges. I'm really excited about that. They were really excited too because they said I am a "professional level" (meaning literally that your job is to swim) swimmer and I would be the best one in the meets. I also met a guy who is a new grad student at ChuanDa going for his MBA who wants to be language partners. He is very nice and very interesting and I hope we can start to practice a few times a week. His English name is Greatson because he wants to be a "great" person. I thought that was classic. The English names the Chinese people give them selves are so great. Sometimes they are normal, but Laura also has a friend named Success, so obviously some are not.
I'm sorry if my grammar and writing is getting worse than it already was. I have found that sometimes I think in Chinese now and have to look for the words in English, which is really exciting. This happens most when I am talking to someone in English about a conversation I had in Chinese because alot of words and meanings don't translate exactly. It would be really hard to be a translator. The languages are just so different. But I'm getting better everyday!
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