Hi everyone! So we made it to Denmark, and Copenhagen is amazing. The buildings are so colorful and I love all the bikes! Everyone bikes here, which is so nice. You see them riding around with
their little baskets.

We saw this huge group of people in the park both days and
apparently young kids all just ride to the park and hang out and drink beer. We tried a danish hot dog and nachos here which were very good. And very yummy bakeries. We went to the Greenlandic Studies Department of the University of Denmark and the Arctic Geological Center here and had lectures from people at each place, which made me very excited to go. It should be so interesting to see all the research
up close. Other than that we have just wan
dered around. Everything has been very fun expect for somehow (I don't really know how), I lost my wallet at dinner tonight. We all went as a group and when I got back to the hostel it was gone. I have no idea, but

it sucks.

Thankfully I still have my passport and I cancelled my cards and I'll figure everything else out when I get back. But, we are leaving for Greenland tomorrow and I can't wait! I'll try to blog sometime in Greenland as well. Love you all.
Pictures look wonderful. Bummer about the wallet. Good thing you are so resourceful. Let us know if you need anything.
Thanks for the blog!
That picture of you eating a Danish hot dog is just like this picture I have of you eating an American hot dog. Except Mike has been replaced by some scarf-wearing woman.
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