Today the day started out really well. I slept in until 8:00 didn't get out of bed until 10:00. By then the sun was shinning and the sky was blue; it was another beautiful day even though is was a little cold. At about 10:30, just as Laura and I were preparing to leave to meet Andrea, Matt and Deborah for our IKEA adventure, someone called me on the phone who I didn't know. I couldn't understand everything they said, but they kept wondering if I was at ChuanDa and I said no, but I will be there at 11am and again at 5:00pm. Then he said bye and hung up. I was very confused, but figured there wasn't much for me to do but do what I said I was going to do. So Laura and I rode to the North gate of campus to meet everyone. We waited there for awhile, but no one showed up. I obviously didn't know who I was looking for, but I am a westerner and I stick out like a sore thumb,

so I thought I would let this mystery man find me. After about 15 minutes, we decided to leave so we could catch the free bus to IKEA that runs every 30 minutes. The IKEA is just like the ones in the States, except cheaper. It was very surreal, seeing all these older generation Chinese people who had gone through Communism sitting at a set up dining room table eating ice cream cones and hot dogs (yes, they have the Swedish food too) after buying things at IKEA. I bought I really nice pillow for my bed for $14, a dish rack for $5, a Teflon baking pan for $3, and some other random baking supplies. The sofas and chairs were all about $100 to $150 dollars. I think it's because everything is made in China already, so they can cut costs because they don't have to ship it again.

I also bought Salmiak fish. Oh black licorice! How I love thee!
On the way home, the mystery guy called again. I still couldn't figure out what he was talking about, but I told him I would be back at ChuanDa at 5pm.
Laura and I rode our stuff home. Then another guy called. He started speaking in Chinese, then switched into half Chinese, half English.

But I finally found out it was UPS that was calling and they wanted to drop off my equipment. So I arranged to meet them at the East gate of the school at 5pm for the "transfer", his choice of location and choice of words. I took Laura along to help me bring the stuff back. After a few minutes of waiting, a little brown UPS van (definitely not as cool as the truck) pulls up and the guy jumps out and hands me my 2 packages and I sign for them and he drives away again. I was very happy to finally receive my equipment, but it was a very weird way to do it.
Then I went swimming and went home. Today Andrea let us try some of her ginger tea, which was delicious so Laura and I decided to make it again tonight. You just slice a whole root of ginger in a pot of water, let it come to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes or so until it is as strong as you like. The longer it simmers the stronger it is, so we let it simmer for 40 minutes because we like it strong. Then add honey and lemon and enjoy! Yum!
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