The harder part of being a million miles away from the people you love and in a completely new and different place is finally setting in. Not in a bad way, but before when I would say I missed you I was probably just saying that. Now I'm not. I have been in China for almost a month now and it's finally starting to feel like I live here. I paid 6
months worth of rent today and now officially live here. I also have a routine somewhat figured out now and I'm getting more and more familiar with the city. It feels good to start to find a place for myself in this crazy society. On the other hand, the first few weeks were such a chaotic whirlwind of activity that I
scarcely had time to sleep, much less miss home. Everything was so new and exciting, there was so much to see, do and learn about in this foreign environment, all you could think about was what was happening right now. Now I can finally relax a little bit and I seem to notice the difference and the distance a lot more
acutely. This doesn't mean that I am comfortable or confident here yet, that may never happen. Most of the time I feel like a bumbling
waiguoren (what Chinese call foreigners) slaughtering

the language and making a fool of myself wherever I go. To keep sane in this insane, incomprehensible society I swim. In the pool is the one place I still feel competent. I can get in the water and I don't have to struggle to communicate or be confused about the procedure. I know how to swim, I know how to swim well. I know how to swim better than almost everyone else in the pool and it is nice to have something I am good at here. Also, all the Chinese swimmers are always so impressed and will talk to me about swimming after. It's nice to have them
acknowledge me for something that is actually a part of me, rather than the former foolish
waiguoren or an English teaching machine.

of people want to be your "friend" here too, only because you speak English and can teach them or help them practice.
I also went shopping today with Laura and Li Juan. We went to a big mall by our house, but I didn't buy any clothes. The mall is called
Tianfu and it is like the biggest
Nordstrom's I have ever been to. There was a whole floor of shoes. I tried on some pants and they are all too small!! Oh well, I'll figure out something. I always do. Anyways, after a week's worth of class I am exhausted.
Mmmmm, sleep.
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