19 June 2009

good and bad

so today was good and bad, and i don't have any pictures to go with it. It started out really well. I met with Thomas Lee, the energy staffer of Jay Inslees's office. He is the IEEE congressional fellow and I was excited to meet with him to find out what was going to be the response of dems like Inslee, moderate to liberal supporters of renewable energy, to nuclear energy. I had to wait for him to get out of a hearing of the energy and commerce committee, but when I finally got to meet with him, we had an hour long meeting and after about a half an hour of talking about nuclear and him definitely being receptive, and posing questions for me to think about and me answering them, he finally started to actually take me seriously and actually asking questions like what is the current technology on nuclear fuel recycle and what are the issues and what is the best plan, etc. He started at least listening to what I had to say, which was really cool. Then he said that he would like to see my white paper when I am done with it and I think I, if not sold him, at least brought to his attention, the importance of the nuclear issue. Then I went to ACS and started to write again. Then at 1:30 Genetta, the secretary that's desk is right next to mine, told me we had an ACS Public Activities and Government Relations Office Staff meeting. So I went, it was kind of interesting, but mostly boring. Then when I got back to working, I got stuck on some numbers that didn't agree and realized I needed to go back to compiling my notes before I wrote my technical sections. By then I was kind of frustrated, so I went to the gym. Then I went home and bought a wine opener on the way home, so I could have a glass of wine. I had a really good talk with Kurt tonight and it cheered me up. So now I'm in a much better mood and know what I have to do tomorrow, so I'm excited. I'm going to the Library of congress early tomorrow morning early and then going to work all day on notes. Then at night we are going to a Marine Corp Parade tomorrow. Here is the website if you want to know more: http://www.mbw.usmc.mil/parade_eveningdefault.asp I'll try to take pictures of this at least, so you can see it. but I'm really excited. I love parades!

1 comment:

cheryl said...

I love parades too. And, on Sunday is the first day of summer -- so it is a perfect way to start celebrating.

You have such enthusiasm for things -- that is a wonderful gift -- and when you hit roadblocks or setbacks, just remember that Rome was not built in a day.